Event Hair and Makeup Special instructions!!!

Prom/Wedding instructions: if you are having your makeup done please make sure any waxing is done at least three days prior to service date. It will leave uneven streaks with the foundation if it is freshly done. Otherwise, tweeze. Please come with a clean face. Hair: do not flat iron. Hair can be shampoo that morning but must be completely dry. It can be “dirty” as in not freshly washed for a day or two but not greasy. I would advise if you are getting a spray tan to make sure u have done body waxing at least three days prior or shave the day before but not the day of. The pores need to be closed. Do not wear deodorant or any lotion the day of your spray tan. To ensure your tan is even exfoliate and lotion heavily for several days leading up to your spray tan.